
How to run the Sand castle Competition


































How to run the Sand castle Competition

This event is part of the Bluff Party usually held on the Saturday of the August Long weekend. The start time is about 11:00 am after the races are completed, and construction time is approximately 2 to 3 hours in length (you set this in conjunction with the tide of the day). If the tides are not low enough for the event on this day, then the next best day or weekend is selected.

All children participating receive a prize consisting of a bag of treats. For the last few years, the total participants have been about 60 to 70. The best way to handle this part is to create 70 bags of candy wrapped in zip lock or paper bags. If these are prepared ahead of time the giving of the prizes will run much smoother. The budget for this is approx $60.00 - $70.00.

It is best to run this event with three people as judges:

These pictures and names are important ! We need to have a pictures taken of each sand castle with participants (artists) so that these may be displayed on the Crystal Water Beach website.

Three named awards have been set as a precedent:

Use your imagination to create names for the rest of the awards for each castle. Each contestant receives a prize for the best “xxxxx” eg. Best of volcanoes on the beach.  Best of Monster etc. When the judging has been completed, call everyone together and announce the awards and hand out the treats. Have fun with this. One Year the ladies made up Certificates for all participants. WOW we have great volunteers with great ideas at Crystal Water Beach.